Pull Up A Chair, and Let’s Talk About Your Book!   Blog Post 1

Did you know that when it comes to writing a novel, that there is so much more to it, then getting your idea down on paper, computer, or tablet, etc.? And let’s face it, authors—because you are one even if you’re not published yet—once those words begin to flow and when you type The End from then on, those priceless pages, those countless hours of back and neck aches, missed dinners, and the nights you woke up with an entire scene in your head, made it all worthwhile.

So, if that is the feeling you have or had, then why not go a step further and chat about some of the problems you have with your work, and what I can do to help you get your book into the hands of a publisher or help you self-publish if you prefer.

To be blunt I’m talking about the flaws you might miss. That goes for spelling, plot points, information dumps, grammar, and characterization just to name a few.  The reason I say this is because I know what an editor likes and will contract.

In twenty years of experience, I have contracted from reading the first paragraph, and also rejected because of a query letter. (Query letters are something we will discuss at a later date).  I bet you have some of your own horror stories when it comes to rejections.

So go ahead and grab that cup of coffee, diet beverage, tea, or what have you, and let’s get serious, so that book you are struggling with gets polished and a place of honor on an editor’s desk!

Amanda Barnett

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